Advocates to Deliver 24,000 Postcards to Washington State Senators Prior to Historic Vote on Marriage Equality

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  February 1, 2012
CONTACT:  Zach Silk | Washington United for Marriage |
Advocates to Deliver 24,000 Postcards to Washington State Senators Prior to Historic Vote on Marriage Equality
Senators from all 49 legislative districts to receive messages from constituents
OLYMPIA – Washington United for Marriage, a broad statewide coalition of organizations, congregations, unions and business associations that will work to obtain civil marriage for lesbian and gay couples in Washington State in 2012, will deliver more than 24,000 constituent postcards to every state senator today prior to this evenings historic vote on marriage equality legislation, SB 6239.
“Our staff and volunteers have been working hard to make sure senators hear from their constituents,” said Zach Silk, Campaign Manager of Washington United for Marriage.  “We have said from the beginning that we could only be successful in winning marriage equality if legislators heard the compelling stories from their constituents.  Those stories have literally changed hearts and minds over the course of this campaign.”
In addition to the 24,000 postcards being delivered today, advocates delivered 4,300 cards to priority senators following last week’s senate committee hearings.  Advocates have also transferred more than 2,500 phone calls from constituents to their senators.
The full senate will debate and vote on the legislation this evening, and final house approval could come as early as next week.  Once the senate and house has passed the legislation, Gov. Chris Gregoire would have five business days to sign it into law, which she has indicated she will do.  Opponents wishing to challenge the new law would have until June to collect 120,557 valid signatures – the amount required to place a referendum on the November 2012 ballot.
Washington United for Marriage is a coalition of organizations, congregations, unions, and business associations working together to secure civil marriage for loving, committed gay and lesbian couples. To find more information and learn how you can help, visit Engage with Washington United for Marriage on social media at and at