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Thanks to LGBT bloggers!
It’s only been 8 days since our opponents submitted signatures to put our state’s marriage law on the ballot this November. Already the momentum to Approve Referendum 74 and defend the freedom to marry is incredible– both here in Washington and in the netroots!
When we learned last week that our opponents had gathered sufficient signatures (thanks, in large part, to paid signature gatherers) LGBT bloggers around the country stepped up to the plate to help equip our campaign with the resources we need to turn out voters and win this November.
In just 24 hours, our blogger friends helped raise over $4,200 for Washington United for Marriage– money that will go instantly to funding our efforts to talk to more Washingtonians about why marriage matters for same-sex couples.
We’re incredibly grateful to bloggers at GoodAsYou, Towleroad, JoeMyGod, The New Civil Rights Movement, and David Mixner for their commitment to helping us pass Referendum 74. With the help of such incredible allies and the dedication of our volunteers and supporters around the state, we’re on track to ensure that all loving couples in Washington can marry in the state we call home.